Answer simple questions
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for Chat
for Workflow
By looking for exact phrases or keywords in a conversation, your chatbot can provide answers to common questions that you might receive. That way, your visitors don't have to search through web content.
Chatbots should be a friendly interface to your business, where your customer can provide you with information, get information and ask specific questions. Sometimes the question will be so simple that you may want the bot to give an answer immediately, or others may be more involved and require a link to a page on your website or help blog.
Provide a quick answer
Sometime your chatbot may get a really simple question that deserves a suitably quick response. For example, you may be a retailer and a customer asks “what time are you open to tonight?”. In this instance you could, of course, present the customer with a link to your opening hours webpage, but it’s much more convenient for them if you could just provide the response. Additionally, you can provide the opening hour in a much more colloquial way, for example “Hi, we’re open until 8pm tonight and it would be great to see you”.

Link to a full help response
Sometimes a quick response just isn’t enough, especially when it comes to help and advice. If you’re a software vendor then you may get asked something along the lines of “how can uninstall my product?”. In this case, it makes much more sense to provide a link to a webpage, YouTube video or blog post that explain how they do this. There’s certainly no point in duplicating information.
Offer to hand over to live chat
One of the key features of Flow XO for Chat is the ability to hand-off a chatbot conversation to a member of your sales or support team. If a question comes in that is more involved, or your bot can’t provide an answer, then handing the customer to a human can provide a seamless experience.